Data Structures and Algorithms


npm install

Code Formatting

Recommended extensions for VSCode for formatting on save - these shouldn't require additional configuration - EditorConfig Prettier

You can also format a file in place via the command line :

npm run format:fix <path>


VSCode integration: TSLint

You can also fix certain lint errors automatically with:

npm run lint:fix <path>


To run the entire test suite:

npm run test

To test a single file or group of files:

npm run test <path_or_glob_pattern>

Git Hooks

Prior to every commit, all staged files will be automatically linted and formatted in place in order to enforce consistency. The linter check for all staged files, as well as all tests associated with the staged files must pass in order to commit.

If for some reason you absolutely need to bypass these checks (discouraged):

git commit -nm "message"