
Obtain ground truth information from apidis dataset and show the bounding box from the images using opencv

Primary LanguageC

This program is released for research and educational purposes and it is a basic version of the code developed for the paper:
F. Castanedo, J. García, M. A. Patricio and J.M. Molina. “A Multi-agent Architecture Based On The BDI Model For Data Fusion In Visual Sensor Network”. 
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-010-9448-1. So, please cite the paper if you find this work useful.

The code employs the annotated (ground-thruth) information of several cameras from the APIDIS dataset
and the obtained global result is plotted on the ground plane basketball court. 
It is developed using standard C and tested under Ubuntu Linux, it is no guarantee to work under other OS.

If you have any questions, comments or improvements, feel free to email me:

Federico Castanedo. { <castanedofede_at_gmail.com> | <federico.castanedo_at_uc3m.es> } 


1.- Apidis dataset, you could download from:

2.- OpenCV library, you could download from:

3.- LibXml, you could download from:

4.- Reg Willson implementation of Tsai's calibration, you could download from:

NOTE: you need to change the location of the apidis images if you want to see them, in
apidis-main.h #define LOCATION_CAMX