A curated list of digital things related to the field of Chinese studies.
- aleksandrbobovnikov
- architaktus
- arushi56
- brendanokane
- CheeseTurtle
- cyeh-mpiwgMax Planck Institute for the History of Science
- duncdrum@StaatsbibliothekBerlin
- fonziedw
- FuPeiruishanghai
- houxilongWuhan University
- huanglianghuaTongyi Lab
- igorwangChina
- jason0x12
- julienbaleySwiftKey
- KatherineMEnrightCambridge, UK
- kltng
- loosom
- martinlyngerasmussen
- nerinapm
- routarddevAround The World
- s-a-jamesCanada
- samuelchen1019Greenville, NC
- sudoghut
- tan-wang-wardLondon
- temberatureUSA
- TimeBreakerUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- trifle
- TverousVirginia Tech
- weiwanglawThe University of Hong Kong
- zhiliang-linGuangzhou Nanfang College
- zhxiqingNantes