
Primary LanguagePython


Please install python3 and following module first: scipy,numpy,configparser and PyVcf.


2.1 LAST Installation

NaSV was built based on LAST mapping data.LAST mapping LAST is able to map the reads in non-overlapping split segments.LAST can be download as the zip file from http://last.cbrc.jp/, and installed by following comands:

> gunzip last.zip
> cd /path/to/lastdir
> make

2.2 Indexing Reference Genome

First you need to index your reference genome by creating a lastal database:

> lastdb [referencedb] [reference.fa]

2.3 Mapping

Train LAST to get the best scoring parameters for your particular alignment. We typically use a subset of > 10,000 reads for this step:

> last-train -Q1 [referencedb] [reads_sample.fastq] > [my-params]

Map your fastq data to reference:

> lastal -Q1 -p [my-params] [referencedb] [reads.fastq] | last-split > [reads.maf]

All of the above commands can also be run at once using pipes:

> lastal -Q1 -p [my-params] [referencedb] [reads.fastq] | \
> last-split > [reads.maf]

3.SV calling using Nasv

NaSV usage
> NaSV.py [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTPUT] [-i reads.maf]
NaSV arguments and parameters:
required arguments:
-i, --maf        :   /path/to/reads.maf
-o, --output     :   Give the full path to the output vcf file

optional arguments:
-h, --help       :   Show the help message and exit
-c, --config     :   Give the full path to your own ini file [ default: config.ini ]

optional configuration parameters: Nasv uses a config.ini file which contains default settings for all running parameters. Users can change the parameters by creating their own config.ini file and provide this as a command line argument [-c]

 **Reads segments options:**
 **[Filter options]**
 *Minimum mapping quality of the segment*
 *Maximum percentage of unaligned first bases for a qualified read*

 **Parameters for tuning detection and clustering of breakpoints:**
 **[Detection options]**
 *Minimum number of breakpoint-junctions (i.e. split-read junctions) for clustering*
 *Maximum distritution distance for a breakend position (assuming normal distribution)*
 *Maximum distance for two breakend positions decided as homology*

 **Parameters for setting the FILTER flag in the vcf output:**
 **[Output filter options]**
 *Minimum reads percentage for a breakpoint decided as precise*