
[NeurIPS 2022 Workshop: SSL Theory & Practice] This is the official implementation of the paper titled: "SL3D: Self-supervised-Self-labeled 3D Recognition"

Primary LanguagePython

SL3D: Self-supervised-Self-labeled 3D Recognition


This repository holds the official implementation of SL3D framework described in the paper: arXiv

There are a lot of promising results in 3D recognition, including classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. However, many of these results rely on manually collecting densely annotated real-world 3D data, which is highly time-consuming and expensive to obtain, limiting the scalability of 3D recognition tasks. Thus in this paper, we study unsupervised 3D recognition and propose a Self-supervised-Self-Labeled 3D Recognition (SL3D) framework. SL3D simultaneously solves two coupled objectives, i.e., clustering and learning feature representation to generate pseudo labeled data for unsupervised 3D recognition. SL3D is a generic framework and can be applied to solve different 3D recognition tasks, including classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation.



  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
  • Python 3.7+
  • PyTorch 1.10.1
  • GPU(s) used for experiment: 4x Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090

Please run conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch to install PyTorch 1.10.1 and run pip install -r requirements.txt to install other required packages.

Prepare datasets


Preprocess (optional, only for object detection and Semantic segmentation tasks, ScanNetv2 dataset)

Reference: link

  1. Shape detection
# Unzip cgal library
unzip 3rd_party.zip

cd preprocess/shape_det
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DCGAL_DIR="$(realpath ../../3rd_party/cgal/)" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../ 

# 1st: Convert data from *.ply into *.xyz which CGAL can use
#      You should open some *.xyz files in meshlab to make sure things are correct
# 2nd: Generate running scripts
# Note: you need to change the `data_path` to be the absolute path of output
python shape_det/generate_scripts.py

# Running
cd shape_det/build
# Use the generated *.sh files here to detect shapes
sh *.sh
# Results will be saved in *.txt files under shape_det/build/

# Pre-compute the adjancency matrix between detected shapes
python shape_det/preprocess.py

pre-computed detected shape: link

  1. Geometric Selective Search (GSS)
cd preprocess/gss

python selective_search_3d_run.py --split trainval --dataset scannet --datapath <scannet path> --cgal_path <cgal path> --seg_path <seg path>  

python selective_search_3d_ensamble.py
  1. Prepare SL3D input data
cd preprocess/scannet
python get_scannet_object_unsup.py

precomputed unsupervised 3D proposals using gss: link

Train SL3D and generate pseudo labels

cd self-label
python main_sl3d.py --dataset <scannet or modelnet40> --data_path <path to obj-level point cloud> --arch <point_transformer or pointnet2> --ncl <number of pseudo classes>

Downstream tasks

Prepare dataset for downstream tasks, to align the number of pseudo classes with the actual class for each downstream tasks, please manually align the pseudo labels index with the actual class index in get_sl3d_psuedo_labels.py

# Create a symbolic-link to import SL3D models
ln -s /self-label/models/ /preprocess/scannet/models

cd preprocess/scannet

python get_sl3d_pseudo_labels.py
  1. 3D Classification tasks Please refer to yanx27/Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch to setup the environment
    To train and evaluate the model:
cd downstream_tasks/cls
python main.py --model pointnet2_cls_ssg --log_dir pointnet2_cls_ssg
  1. 3D Object Detection tasks Please refer to facebookresearch/votenet to setup the environment
    To train and evaluate the model:
cd downstream_tasks/det
python train.py --dataset scannet --log_dir log_scannet --num_point 40000

python eval.py --dataset scannet --checkpoint_path log_scannet/checkpoint.tar --dump_dir eval_scannet --num_point 40000 --cluster_sampling seed_fps --use_3d_nms --use_cls_nms --per_class_proposal
  1. 3D Semantic Segmentation tasks Please refer to [daveredrum/Pointnet2.ScanNet to setup the environment
    To train and evaluate the model:
cd downstream_tasks/semseg
python scripts/train.py --use_color --use_normal --use_msg

python scripts/eval.py --folder <time_stamp>


  • 09/29/2022 Release the code *BETA



Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.