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Schwab 1099-B Converter

The purpose of these scripts is to automate entering stock sales from the Schwab EAC 1099-B form into TurboTax Online or Desktop.

TurboTax Online

There are several steps to this process, but it does work. And it can save a lot of time trying to enter the transaction manually.

  1. Log into the Schwab EAC and then visit each of these links to download a PDF of the 1099-B forms. You may only have one of these or both:

  2. For each PDF, select some of the contents, use cmd-A to select everything, the copy with cmd-C. Open a text editor and paste the contents into a plain text file and save as something like goog-1099b.txt.

  3. Run the Python script in this repository against the files. If you have two files, you should process them both at the same time:

    $ ./convert-1099b-json.py goog-1099b.txt googl-1099b.txt > entries.json

    Some totals will be printed out that you should compare to the original 1099-B forms to make sure all transactions were processed. You will now a file entries.json containing all of your GOOG and GOOGL transactions. The number of transactions of each type is also printed.

  4. The next part of the process takes part in the browser on turbotax.com. I used Google Chrome on MacOS. It should work with other browsers, but I didn't try it. Open the TurboTax site and navigate to the section for entering stock transactions. Enter your instituion name ("Charles Schwab") and account number, and eventually you'll arrive at a screen that says:

    Tell us about your Charles Schwab 1099-B

    • I'll enter one sale at a time
    • I'll enter a summary for each sales category
  5. Once you're on the page at step 4, open the Developer Tools window (Settings -> More Tools). Click on the "Console" tab if it's not already selected.

  6. Copy the contents of the enter.js file in this repository, click your cursor into the console area of the browser, and paste. This won't take any action other than defining a bunch of functions.

  7. Now, copy the contents of the entries.json file created above. In the console, assign the generated JSON to a variable as follows:

    > entries = [paste entries.json here]

  8. Now the fun begins. In the console, type:

    > enterAll(entries)

    Very important! Immediately after typing this, click somewhere in the TT page to give it focus again. (Don't click on a link or a form entry; the best place to click is the empty gray margins.) You only need to do it once at the beginning, before the script starts filling out the entries.

  9. Now sit back and watch the data get filled out. Don't switch tabs or windows. It's a good idea to move your mouse every few minutes to keep your screen from going to sleep.

  10. You can always navigate back to the screen described in step 4 and re-enter the command from step 8 if you need to add more entries.

  11. That's it. Hopefully all of your transactions are now entered into TurboTax.

TurboTax Desktop

Complete Steps 1 through 3 as described for TurboTax online, obtaining an entries.json file. Then, instead of using this file in Chrome, run the following command to convert it to a Tax eXchange Format (TXF) file that TurboTax Desktop can process:

$ ./json-to-txf.py < entries.json > entries.txf

In TurboTax, import entries.txf via the File -> Import -> From Accounting Software menu. Verify that the short- and long-term totals imported as expected.

If TurboTax says it needs "more info" for the imported transcations, click through each sale manually and select "stock" from the long list of options presented. All other relevant data should already be filled in, though it's a good idea to verfiy each sale individually against your Form 1099-B.