
Custom elements V1 - <hello-world>

Primary LanguageJavaScript

"# ce-hw"

Custom Elements v1 - "Hello World" demo

The code for custom elements v1 vs js frameworks blog post by Ferdy Christant

Browser support

  • Chrome (56): 100%, native support
  • Firefox (51): 100%, using polyfill
  • Edge (14): 100%, using polyfill
  • Opera (42): 100%, native support
  • Chrome for Android (55): 100%, native support
  • Mobile Safari 10 (iOS10.2): 100%, using polyfill (tested both on iPhone and iPad)
  • Safari 10 on Mac: 100%, using polyfill

Reasonable native support that is soon to be improved (Safari’s latest version will deliver native support and is around the corner, Firefox and Edge are working on it)


npm i or yarn install


The index.html is hooked up and ready to go.

open index.html


See gulpfile.js or package.json "scripts" entry.

  • npm run watch (or gulp watch)
  • npm run scripts (or gulp scripts)

scripts is used to compile /src/js files to /js and enable live reload on change.

watch is used to watch .js files in src/js for changes and trigger the scripts script to compile and reload (on any such change).
