
This is a Python Developer Qualification Task.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python Developer Qualification Task


In script.py, from line 88 to end, is not in the video.

It addresses the task of verifying whether one of the extracted titles is of type int.


Create a Python script that demonstrates key Python skills, including making an HTTP GET request, using list comprehension with a conditional filter, type checking, and utilizing f-strings.


Fetch Data:

Write a Python script to perform an HTTP GET request to fetch JSON data from a public API (example URL: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos).

Process Data with Conditional List Comprehension:

Extract titles from the JSON data, but only include those that contain a specific string (e.g., 'qui'). Implement this using list comprehension.

Display Results with f-Strings:

Format and print the filtered titles using f-strings. Ensure that each printed title is a string.

Type Checking:

Demonstrate checking whether one of the extracted titles is of type int.


Aim for clear, efficient, and concise code. Basic error handling is encouraged, but focus on the core functionalities. You can use online resources for reference, but ensure the coding is your own work. Please record your coding session using a screen recorder, explaining your thought process as you write the script. Provide the result in a publicly viewable google doc link, with the link to the session recording included inside.