
Google Cloud SQL proxy container.

Primary LanguageShell


Google Cloud SQL proxy service.

This repo creates a wrapper (entrypoint) script to be used in the Google Cloud SQL proxy container. The entrypoint.sh script autoruns when you run the docker container created using the Dockerfile in this repo. All the settings for the Cloud SQL proxy are provided using environment variables - enabling a much simplier configuration.

The image is also available in Docker Hub!


  1. Authentication
  2. Connection settings
    1. Connection string list environment variable
    2. Individual settings variables
  3. Additional settings
  4. Example usage


The script assumes one of three forms of service account authentication:

  1. A service account json file that is mounted into the docker container either under the default path (/etc/sqlproxy-service-account.json) or under the path specified by the environment variable CLOUDSQL_CREDENTIAL_FILE.

  2. A service account json string provided in the CLOUDSQL_CREDENTIALS environment variable. The credentials are saved to the same path as the paramenter above (either the default /etc/sqlproxy-service-account.json or the path specified by CLOUDSQL_CREDENTIAL_FILE). Thus, any credentials provided by in the file specified by CLOUDSQL_CREDENTIAL_FILE will be overwritten by the credentials provided in the CLOUDSQL_CREDENTIALS variable.

  3. Using the "application" default service account. This is either the service account used to create the GCE compute instance the docker is running on or what ever the current user is authorized as if they were running it on a non-GCE host.

Remember: the service account used to create the proxy must have a role that includes the cloudsql.instances.connect permission. The predefined Cloud SQL roles that include this permission are: Cloud SQL Client, Cloud SQL Editor and Cloud SQL Admin.

Connection settings

There are also two methods of setting the connection string used by the proxy.

1) Connection string list environment variable

Specify an explicit comma-separated list of one or more database connection strings in the environment variable CLOUDSQL_CONNECTION_LIST. The list must contain at least one connection string in the following format:


which is equivalent to:


where INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME is the instances connection name, which can be retrieved from the Cloud SQL Console, GOOGLE_PROJECT is Google Cloud project where the Cloud SQL instance resides, CLOUDSQL_ZONE is the instance's zone, CLOUDSQL_INSTANCE is the instance's ID name, and PORT is the TCP port number that the Cloud SQL proxy will open for connections to the instance.

Note: the port set by the PORT environment variable is inside the docker container. To expose the service on a port on the host machine, the publish option must be used with the docker run command. For example docker run --env PORT=$PORT -p$HOST_PORT:$PORT ..., where $PORT contains the container port number and $HOST_PORT contains the host port.

2) Individual settings variables

By specifying all of the environment variables bellow. This method supports only a single Cloud SQL instance.

  1. GOOGLE_PROJECT: the Google project where the instance resides.
  2. CLOUDSQL_ZONE: the instance's zone.
  3. CLOUDSQL_INSTANCE: the instance's ID name.
  4. PORT: the TCP port number that the Cloud SQL proxy will open for connections to the instance.

Additional settings

  1. CLOUDSQL_MAXCONNS: the maximum number of database connections the proxy will support. The default is unlimited.
  2. CLOUDSQL_LOGGING: logging level. The default is verbose.

Example usage

To build the image:

docker build . -t cloud-sql-proxy

To start the proxy:

docker run --env-file=.env -p cloud-sql-proxy

where .env contains the configuration variables specified in the sections above. For example:

CLOUDSQL_CREDENTIALS={"type":"service_account", ...}

It might be more confortable to run the proxy as a detached container (-d flag):

docker run --env-file=.env -p -d cloud-sql-proxy