
Static Site Generator

Primary LanguageClojure


Static is a simple static site generator written in Clojure. For a sample site build using static see http://nakkaya.com


Static can parse org-mode and markdown files.


Static requires the leiningen build tool. Once installed, you can build Static with the following commands from within the project directory structure:

$ lein deps
$ lein uberjar


Creating a static site usually involves the following,

  • Set up the basic structure of the site
  • Create some posts
  • Run your site locally to see how it looks
  • Deploy your site

A basic static site usually looks something like this:

|-- config.clj
`-- resources
    |-- posts
    |   |-- 2009-04-17-back-up-and-restore-a-mysql-database.markdown
    |   |-- 2010-02-10-a-simple-clojure-irc-client.markdown
    |   `-- 2010-08-02-using-clojure-contrib-generic-interfaces.markdown
    |-- public
    |   `-- 404.html
    |-- site
    |   `-- index.markdown
    `-- templates
        `-- default.clj

An overview of what each of these does:


Contains a vector of configuration options.

  • :site-title - Title of the site.
  • :site-description - Description of the site.
  • :site-url - URL of the site
  • :in-dir - Directory containing site content by default resources/
  • :out-dir - Directory to save compiled files.
  • :default-template - Default template to use.
  • :encoding - Encoding to use for read write operations.
  • :posts-per-page - Number of posts in latest post pages.
  • :blog-as-index - If true use blog as index.
  • :emacs - path to emacs if you want to render .org files.
  • :host - remote host to deploy to.
  • :user - remote username
  • :port - Remote SSH port
  • :deploy-dir - Remote directory to deploy to.


Folder containing posts, the format of these files are important, as named as YEAR-MONTH-DATE-title.MAKDOWN.


Folder containing static data such as images, css, javascript etc. Folder structure will be mirrored exactly.


Folder containing pages that are not posts.


Folder containing templates that are used to render posts and pages with.


You need to place the uberjar lein created to the folder containing config.clj.

Building the site

$ java -jar static.jar -b

Testing the site

You can test the site locally using jetty, which will launch on http://localhost:8080.

$ java -jar static.jar -j

Deploying the site


$ java -jar static.jar --ssh


$ java -jar static.jar --rsync


Copyright (C) 2010

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.