Some notes

LM239 response upon change of input from -1.5V to 1.5V (prova.spice)

source prova.spice
plot v(p1)

Here it is the result: prova.spice

Useful links

Scheme proposal

Based on this documentation, here it is the scheme proposal.

Scheme proposal

Astable multivibrators

Based on the first tests, it results that:

  • The steering motor absorbs a lot of energy: by turning left or right the motor speed slows down
  • RPI does not have any PWM to control the power towards the steering engine

a solution could be to implement a separate oscillator that provides the necessary input to the EN3-4 for the L293DNE. Since we do not need to control the degree of steering, we can set the frequency to a specific value. This Spice example shows an implementation of an astable multivibrator that does not require any integrated circuit. The output voltage is the following:

Astable multivibrator output