Q3/JKA Mock Server
Quake 3 / Jedi Academy mock server implementing basic UDP commands.
It may be used for testing/debugging purposes, or to replace an existing server with a custom connection message for maintenance/migration purposes.
Execute the following command to run the server locally:
The following arguments are available:
./Q3MockServer.py [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-m MESSAGE] [-i INFO] [-s STATUS] [-l LOG_LEVEL]
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show help message and exit
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS Address to bind to (default:
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to listen on (default: 29070)
-m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE Message displayed to connecting players
-i INFO, --info INFO Server info key=value pair (repeatable)
-s STATUS, --status STATUS Server status key=value pair (repeatable)
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL Log level: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG (default: INFO)
For example, you may enable debug logs and customize server info, status and connection message:
./Q3MockServer.py -l DEBUG -i game=rpmod -i hostname="RPMod Server" -s gamename="RPMod 0.5.1c" -s sv_hostname="RPMod Server" -m "Server has moved, please check rpmod.jediholo.net"
A Docker image is also available for amd64 and arm64 architectures:
docker run -it --rm -p 29070:29070/udp ghcr.io/fcrespel/q3mockserver:master [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-m MESSAGE] [-i INFO] [-s STATUS] [-l LOG_LEVEL]
You may want to run it in the background using commands such as the following:
# Create and start container
docker run -d --name q3mockserver -p 29070:29070/udp ghcr.io/fcrespel/q3mockserver:master
# Stop server
docker stop q3mockserver
# Start server
docker start q3mockserver
# Show live logs
docker logs -f q3mockserver