
REST API to use an RF 433 MHz transmitter as a remote control

Primary LanguagePython


REST API to use an RF 433 MHz transmitter as a remote control. It currently only supports the Chacon DIO 1.0 and Chacon 54662 protocols.

It has only been tested on an ODROID-C4 board and uses an ODROID-specific WiringPi version. It should be easy to adapt it for other boards (e.g. Raspberry Pi).


Execute the following commands on a Debian or Ubuntu system to install the required dependencies:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential python3-dev python3-pip
pip install -r requirements.txt


First, connect an RF 433 MHz transmitter to the GPIO pin of your choice. Take note of the corresponding WiringPi pin number (see pinout.xyz).


Execute the following command to run the server locally:


You may then go to to browse the documentation and test the API.

The following arguments are available:

./app/server.py [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-g GPIO] [-l LOG_LEVEL]

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help                           Show help message and exit
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS        Address to bind to (default:
  -p PORT, --port PORT                 Port to listen on (default: 8001)
  -g GPIO, --gpio GPIO                 GPIO WiringPi pin number (default: 0)
  -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL  Log level: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG (default: INFO)

A Docker image is also available for the arm64 architecture:

docker run -it --rm --privileged -p 8001:8001 ghcr.io/fcrespel/rf433-api:master [-h] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-g GPIO] [-l LOG_LEVEL]

You may want to run it in the background using commands such as the following:

# Create and start container
docker run -d --name rf433-api --privileged -p ghcr.io/fcrespel/rf433-api:master

# Stop server
docker stop rf433-api

# Start server
docker start rf433-api

# Show live logs
docker logs -f rf433-api

NOTE: the API port is not secured, make sure to only expose it locally or to trusted clients.


You may call the API with any HTTP client such as curl:

# Replace 12345678 with the actual Chacon DIO 1.0 sender code (arbitrary 26-bit integer)

# Get button 1 status:
curl -sSf -XGET

# Set button 1 to ON:
curl -sSf -XPUT -d 1

# Set button 1 to OFF:
curl -sSf -XPUT -d 0