CW Beacon on Arduino+si4463
This CW beacon is built on Arduino + si4463 module.
To configure si4463 you need desktop application from Silabs named "Wireless Development Suite". As a result you will have ./si4463/radio/radio_config.h | For details please exprore folder ./doc/WDS/*.jpg
Si4463 is able to cover 2m band as well (119MHz - 159MHz). Please note! Without having amateur radio licence you are very limited in frequency range and transmittion power. Especially using external antenna and/or without proper LPF. For ISM frequency details please refer to:
Don't forget to setup your own beacon text in si4463-beacon.ino:32 - morse.setText()
Supported symbols:
- Digits 0-9;
- Letters A-Z;
- Forward slash /;
- Underscore: _ (4 seconds long continious carrier).
After downloading, rename folder to 'si4463-beacon'. The project was tested in Arduino 1.6.7 development environment. If you have any problems in sketch compiling please use exactly this version.
Alexander Sholohov