
Implementation of Cucumber tests for the Happy Puppy application, from Jeff @cheezy Morgan's "Cucumber and Cheese" book

Primary LanguageRuby

Happy Puppy Cucumber Tests

Implementation of Cucumber tests for the Happy Puppy application, from Jeff @cheezy Morgan's "Cucumber and Cheese" book

Running the Tests

The tests can be run through rake:

rake features  # all features
rake wip       # only scenarios tagged with @wip
rake specs     # run rspecs

The default target is to run all the features against the live application deployed to Heroku (http://puppies.herokuapp.com/).

Running the Puppies App locally

Get the code from https://github.com/cheezy/puppies, and follow the instructions there to get the initial database set up and the app running.

Before running the tests, the 'admin' user needs to be added to the application by visiting http://localhost:3000/users. Create a new user, with the user name and password specified in config/environments/local.yml

To run the tests agains the local app, execute:

rake ENV=local


export ENV=local

Repository Tags

The git repository has been tagged at different points, so that you can see the example evolve:

Tag Implementation
test-1 direct browser manipulation
test-2-outline test turned into scenario outline
test-3-transform test uses a trasform rule
test-4-pageObjects steps implemented through Page Objects
test-5-inlineTable adoption scenario reimplemented with an inline table
test-6-defaultData simplified and abstracted scenarios using Default Data
test-6-random randomized scenario data
test-7-externalized externalized default data using DataMagic
test-8-rndExternal randomized externalized default data
test-9-panel created reusable panel for error messages
test-10-matcher custom matcher used to simplify step definition
test-11-routes introduced routes to simplify step definition
test-12-rspec created tests using rspec
test-13-figNewton externalized configuration parameters
test-14-local support for testing against local environment
ch4 completed chapter 4
ch5 completed chapter 5


All the gems are installed into vendor/bundle and checked in (why? This is something I learnt from James Shore (@jamesshore) -- see here)

To update the dependencies run:

rake bundler