The R wrapper to the fdaPDE finite element solver for Partial Differential Equations
This is a first pre-release of the package, as such, bugs might occur. Feel free to open an issue in case of problems.
Make sure to have the following dependencies installed on your system:
- a C++17 compliant compiler
- the
then, to install the latest stable version of femR
, you can either:
- use the
package. From the R console, execute
devtools::install_github("fdaPDE/femR", ref="stable")
- clone this repository and install. From a terminal, execute
git clone --recurse-submodules -b stable cd path/to/femR
and install the package from the R console
install.packages(".", type="source", repos=NULL)
Both procedures will automatically pull the
fdaPDE-core submodule
dependence required by femR
. It is not recommended to download the
source code directly from Github, as this won’t include any submodule
dependence, making the installation procedure to fail.
This project gratefully acknowledges financial support from the