- 10
- 0
content-type: x-www-form-urlencoded error
#62 opened by hec9527 - 2
Add jsonp method
#34 opened by fdaciuk - 4
Error when using method options
#61 opened by aalfiann - 1
Is this ajax use cache?
#60 opened by aalfiann - 3
Shouldn't 2.3.1 be a new minor version?
#57 opened - 4
Send [object object] from method PUT
#54 opened by nicholasess - 1
ES6 / ES2015 module import
#56 opened by yairEO - 2
Posso trocar o ajaxForm() do jQuery por essa lib?
#53 opened by kvnol - 1
add 'get' data support
#50 opened by liq-personal-2017 - 1
Browser logos are broken on README
#47 opened by mkxml - 1
Add non-minified source on NPM
#36 opened by statianzo - 3
Use fetch with XMLHttpRequest fallback?
#45 opened by pwFoo - 1
- 5
Add PATCH support
#43 opened by pwFoo - 7
Missing character causes error
#42 opened by jenstornell - 1
Get HTML data
#41 opened by jenstornell - 1
mothed "GET" no param request.
#40 opened by anlia260 - 1
"Promise" api is not a proper thenable
#37 opened by statianzo - 13
- 1
Support to withCredentials
#32 opened by andersonfelix - 2
Abort request
#30 opened by diessica - 1
Browser Compatibility
#28 opened by spartman - 6
Add option for base URL
#23 opened by kazzkiq - 2
- 4
about send multipart/formdata
#19 opened by QingWei-Li - 0
Mock data with Mockbin
#7 opened by fdaciuk - 2
Promises A+ support
#2 opened by ggviana - 1
how get the jsonp url
#12 opened by kyo4311 - 2
NPM Ignoring “dist” Directory
#8 opened by swashcap - 1
getQueryString needs encodeURIComponent
#6 opened by bobtherobot - 1
#5 opened by kevenjesus - 1
Upload package on NPM with namespace
#4 opened by fdaciuk - 9
Create Bower package
#3 opened by kazzkiq