
MicroNova Mercury 2 development board test project using the SymbiFlow open source toolchain

Primary LanguageMakefile

MicroNova Mercury 2 / SymbiFlow example project

This is a test project for the MicroNova Mercury 2 development board using the SymbiFlow open source toolchain instead of Xilinx Vivado.

I run these commands to generate a bitstream:

export INSTALL_DIR=~/apps/symbiflow
export FPGA_FAM="xc7"
export PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/$FPGA_FAM/install/bin:$PATH"
source "$INSTALL_DIR/$FPGA_FAM/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"
conda activate $FPGA_FAM

And this command to flash the board:


There are some customizations that may be needed for your system:

  • change the INSTALL_DIR variable in the build commands above to match your SymbiFlow location (in my case it's ~/apps/symbiflow)
  • change in ~/apps/mercury2_prog in flash.sh to reflect where you've placed the Mercury 2 Programmer Utility

This test project was based on symbiflow-examples, specifically the counter_test project.