
Python 3 script that downloads all your personal Flickr photos

Primary LanguagePython

Flickr Image downloader

This is a Python 3 script that downloads all your personal Flickr photos.


Getting the source code

Download the script using the normal method:

git clone https://github.com/fdb/download-flickr.git
cd download-flickr

Install dependencies using pipenv. On Mac, you can install Pipenv using Homebrew by typing brew install pipenv. On other systems, you can install it using pip install --user pipenv. Then run

pipenv install

Flickr API Keys

To use this you need Flickr API keys. You can request those here. Create a file .env in the directory of the download-flickr folder that contains the following lines:

FLICKR_API_KEY = 'the_api_key_you_got_from_flickr'
FLICKR_API_SECRET = 'the_api_secret_you_got_from_flickr'


Run the following command to download all photos in your sets:

pipenv run python3 download.py

If this is the first time you run this script, it will ask to login:

To download your personal photos from Flickr you need to login first.
Visit the following URL, then paste in the oauth_verifier code and press enter:


oauth_verifier code:

Open the URL in a browser, login and allow access. Then copy and paste the oauth_verifier code you get back from Flickr. It looks like 8737edb434cdd101.

An authorization key is stored locally in the download-flickr folder in a file called flickr.key. This information stays and your machine and is never shared.

Good to know

  • Images you have already downloaded are skipped, so you can interrupt the process and continue later.
  • Note that photos not in sets are not downloaded.


This script is a simple wrapper around the Python Flickr API package by Alexis Mignon.