- 4
Build errors on Ubuntu 22.04
#18 opened by Scurge - 0
Can someone compile this wonderful application into Windows 10 compatible software with installer?
#17 opened by bidsmarket - 2
Build error macOS Monterrey: adding 'int' to a string does not append to the string
#16 opened by joseflamas - 1
Build error
#15 opened by Aguamandan - 15
Segfaults on Linux
#13 opened by drws - 2
Frequensea run error?
#11 opened by cokomokoo - 2
Processing Port?
#14 opened by softpunch - 1
- 10
make fail in frequensea
#10 opened by skypuppy - 6
Raspbian Jessie build error
#9 opened by Nodeswitch - 1
#8 opened by osamaeshmilh - 19
Fix Linux build errors
#2 opened by yuvadm - 1
- 2
Completion of error handling
#4 opened by elfring - 2