
Simple webserver around hugging-face-stable-diffusion

Primary LanguagePython

Small web app around Hugging Face's Stable Diffusion



virtualenv --system-site-packages venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install transformers huggingface diffusers scipy flask ftfy

Make a token at Hugging Face: https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens

Login through the command-line:

huggingface-cli login

Paste the token when asked

Running the webserver

python app.py

Doing this the first time will download the model. Please be patient.

Prompt engineering

The MidJourney styles and keywords reference is a useful guide in finding the right terms for promts.

Also check out the DALL-E 2 prompt book.

In general, start with the image type, e.g.:

  • "An image of"
  • "A photograph of"
  • "A headshot of"
  • "A painting of"
  • "A vision of"
  • "A depiction of"
  • "A cartoon of"
  • "A drawing of"
  • "A figure of"
  • "An illustration of"
  • "A sketch of"
  • "A portrayal of"