
Download Skybox panoramic photos of Matterport houses

Primary LanguagePHPThe UnlicenseUnlicense

matterport downloader

What it does

matterport-downloader downloads Skybox 360 panos photos of Matterport houses


php, php-curl, curl

This code can run over Linux and Windows


$ php ./matterport-downloader.php <matterport id>  

e.g: If the url is https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=huhpm6maGbT&mls=1 you have to run the script this way:

$ php ./matterport-downloader.php huhpm6maGbT  

It will download all the skybox images with the highest quality available (4k, 2k or 1k).

Online downloader version of this script

https://openpanorama.rf.gd/download/ and https://openpano.rf.gd/download/ mirror, it shows skybox images of matterport virtual tours, with the browser option "save web complete" it downloads all skybox images of a matterport virtual tour.


PC: Linux/Mac/Windows using Panini and opening as Cube Faces: https://github.com/lazarus-pkgs/panini

Web Browser: Chrome and Firefox: Pannellum (webgl based), self hosted virtual tour, equirectangular and cubemap skybox: https://github.com/mpetroff/pannellum


Skybox can be converted to equirectangular format and achieve a higher compatibility among viewers.


Equirectangular can be viewed in players like Ricoh Theta for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.theta360&hl=en&gl=US


Created by fdd4s
Send feedback and questions to fc1471789@gmail.com
All files are public domain https://unlicense.org/