42 project of sorting algos
All very simple.
Program checker INTLIST
receives commands in stdin, runs it through INTLIST. If the result is ordered, success!
Program push_swap INTLIST
generates and outputs to stdout the necessary commands to order the shuffled INTLIST.
Therefore: pushswap 2 1 3 | checker 2 1 3
should wield OK
INTLIST has no limits, though 500n takes a little time to proccess.
The instructions for sorting the sequence are made of 11 instructions for manipulating two stacks.
Stack A is initialized with the suffled sequence. At the end of the algorithm, Stack A must be in order and Stack B must be empty.
The instructions are:
pa, pb: put fist element of B into A and vice-versa.
ra, rb, rr: rotates A, B or both; that is, fist element goes to last.
rra, rrb, rrr: reverse rotates A, B or both.
sa, sb, ss: swiches first and second of element of A, B or both.
By combining these instructions in some sort of elegant way, we must aim for the best algorithm performace.
This is my score:
2 1 0 | 3 |
1 5 2 4 3 | 8 |
n n n n n | +/- 8 |
100n | +/- 650 |
500n | +/- 7300 |