Simple CRUD app that will take the place of the paper notecards I currently use when learning something new.

The app is currently functioning and I am testing it out on while I learn Elixir.

List of Bugs:

  • Fix styling
    • redesign database schema
      • Card object should have a front and back. I shouldn't have "front" cards and "back" cards.
    • make it easier to write cards as html
    • currently doesn't look great in mobile

Features to add:

  • User Auth

    • requires updating schema to create User table and attach user_id to flash_card
    • prevent users from editing other people's cards
    • allow users to view other people's cards
    • Devise gem is probably a good choice here
  • Hide cards that you know

    • cards that you have correclty answered 10 straight times AND haven't viewed in 2 months should not be displayed while reviewing a category