
Examples, tutorials, mini-projects, ...

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

WebGL Experiments

A playground for WebGL stuff

Getting Started

npm install
npm start

Adding a Page

  1. Create a new directory in src/pages/
  2. Create an index.js in that directory with the following format:
export const meta = {
  title: 'My Experiment',
  tags: 'threejs,gpgpu',

export const init = ({ canvas, container }) => {
  // WebGL code goes here
  return () => {
    // Cleanup code goes here

See src/pages/hello-three for a very basic example.

You can also supply an options export to customize the page. For example, you can create a shadertoy-like environment where you only need to supply the shader code:

import fs from './fs.glsl'
import vs from './vs.glsl'
import texture from './rusty-metal-512x512.jpg'

export const options = {
  display: 'fullscreen',
  type: 'shadertoy',
  shadertoy: {
    vs, // optional; default is passthrough shader
    iChannel0: texture // optional


Many thanks to iq and mrdoob.


MIT © Forrest Desjardins