
Use Python's standard logging library to send messages to Raygun (https://raygun.io/)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Use Python's standard logging library to send messages to Raygun (https://raygun.io/)


  • Implements a standard logging.Handler.
  • Automatic Django request logging.
  • Like any other handler, it can be filtered and have its level set.


pip install rglogger


import logging
import rglogger

root_logger = logging.getLogger()
raygun_handler = rglogger.Handler('<your_api_key>')


rglogger.Handler accepts the following arguments:

  • api_key: Your Raygun.io API key. Required.
  • raygun_endpoint: An alternative endpoint. Defaults to https://api.raygun.io/entries.
  • version: Your app's version. Defaults to ''.
  • transmit_local_variables: Should we gather and send local variables with the message? Defaults to True.
  • transmit_global_variables: Should we gather and send global variables with the message? Defaults to True.
  • timeout: How long to wait on HTTP connections to the API, in seconds. Defaults to 30.
  • machine_name: A string representing the current host. Defaults to socket.gethostname().
  • tags: A list of strings with which to tag outgoing messages. Defaults to [].

Customization Examples

Log all uncaught exceptions.

from rglogger import Handler

raygun_handler = Handler('<your_api_key')
rglogger.catch_all(raygun_handler)  # Hooks into sys.excepthook for you!

Log messages above a certain level.

The following example only logs errors and exceptions. Calls to logging.debug() will work, but won't be sent to Raygun.

import logging
from rglogger import Handler

logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.addHandler(Handler('<your_api_key>', level=logging.ERROR))

Conditionally disable Raygun messages.

Want to disable logging to Raygun if a certain condition is met on a per-message basis? Add a filter to your Logger! Here's an example which only logs to Raygun when Django's DEBUG setting is set to False:

import logging
from rglogger import Handler
from django.conf import settings

logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.addFilter(lambda logrecord: not settings.DEBUG)


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.


Pull Requests welcome. Please try to adhere to PEP-8, but don't worry about line lengths.