├── .editorconfig # Editor configuration for maintaining consistent coding styles.
├── .env # Environment variables for the project.
├── .env.example # Example environment variables file.
├── .eslintignore # Specifies files to be ignored by ESLint.
├── .eslintrc.cjs # ESLint configuration for code quality and consistency.
├── .github/ # GitHub-specific configurations and documentation.
│ └── FUNDING.yml # Configuration for GitHub Sponsors.
├── .gitignore # Specifies untracked files to ignore.
├── .husky/ # Husky for managing Git hooks.
│ ├── commit-msg # Commit message hook.
│ └── pre-commit # Pre-commit hook.
├── .prettierignore # Specifies files to be ignored by Prettier.
├── .prettierrc # Prettier configuration for code formatting.
├── .vscode/ # VS Code-specific settings.
│ └── settings.json # Editor settings for VS Code.
├── commitlint.config.js # Configuration for commit message linting.
├── docs/ # Project documentation.
│ ├── commit-role.md # Guidelines for commit messages.
│ └── folder-structure.md# Documentation on the project's folder structure.
├── index.html # Entry point HTML file for the web application.
├── jsconfig.json # JS project configuration for VS Code.
├── package.json # Project metadata and dependency management.
├── postcss.config.js # Configuration for PostCSS.
├── public/ # Publicly accessible static files (images, fonts, icons).
├── README.md # Project overview, setup instructions, and other essential information.
├── src/ # Main source code directory.
│ ├── App.jsx # Main React component, entry point of the React app.
│ ├── assets/ # Static assets like fonts and images.
│ ├── components/ # Reusable React components.
│ ├── configs/ # Application setup configurations and constants.
│ ├── constants/ # Application-wide constant values.
│ ├── contexts/ # React context providers for state management.
│ ├── features/ # Feature-specific components and logic.
│ ├── guards/ # Route guards for conditional navigation.
│ ├── helpers/ # Utility functions and helpers.
│ ├── hocs/ # Higher-order components.
│ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks.
│ ├── layouts/ # Components defining page layouts.
│ ├── lib/ # Library code and third-party dependencies.
│ ├── main.jsx # Entry point for initializing the React app.
│ └── routes/ # Application routing configuration.
├── tailwind.config.js # Configuration for Tailwind CSS.
└── vite.config.js # Configuration file for Vite, the build tool used by the project.
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