
Elixir Feed Parser

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Elixir Feed Parser

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Elixir Atom/RSS Parser. Depends on Erlang's xmerl xml parser.

It is basically a port of the excellent Ruby Feed Jira gem.

Supports specifically Feedburner Atom/RSS2 feeds, iTunes Podcast and Google Docs feeds.


Add :elixir-feed-parser to your mix dependencies and application.

def application do
  [applications: [:"elixir_feed_parser"]]

defp deps do
  [{:"elixir_feed_parser", "~> 0.0.1"}]

Then run mix deps.get to install it.

Parsing feeds

feed = ElixirFeedParser.parse(xml_string)
title = feed.title

The feed map provides the following properties which is a normalization based on the Atom and RSS2 standards. Whenever an attribute is normalized the original attribute is provided with a corresponding namespace.

For example the url attribute is actually a link element as defined by the RSS2 standard, therefore we additionally expose the rss2:link attribute.

List of feed properties

  • title
  • id (a unique identifier)
  • description
  • url
  • links (array of strings)
  • feed_url (the canonical link to the feed)
  • updated (most recent update)
  • authors
  • language
  • icon
  • logo
  • copyright
  • generator
  • categories (an array of strings)

List of article properties

  • title
  • id (a unique identifier)
  • description
  • url
  • links (array of strings)
  • updated (most recent update)
  • published
  • authors
  • categories (an array of strings)
  • source


I appreciate any contribution to elixir-feed-parser. Open a pull request or file issues if you got feedback!

I'm new to Elixir and would love to get some feedback on how to improve this codebase.


Since this is my first Elixir project I've taken lots of ideas from existing projects. In particular I'd like to mention FeederEx, Feedme and Quinn.


This source code is released under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2015-present Frederik Dietz and contributors.