
Receive events and send them encoded as avro to kafka

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

TFGCo EventsGateway

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About client.NewClient(...) arguments:

  • configPrefix: whatever comes just before client portion of your config
  • config: a viper config with at least a client key holding Events Gateway settings
  • logger: a logrus.FieldLogger instance
  • client: should be nil for most cases, except for unit testing
  • opts: extra []grpc.DialOption objects

client config format, with defaults:

  async: false # if you want to use the async or sync dispatch
  channelBuffer: 500 # (async-only) size of the channel that holds events
  lingerInterval: 500ms # (async-only) how long to wait before sending messages, in the hopes of filling the batch
  batchSize: 10 # (async-only) maximum number of messages to send in a batch
  maxRetries: 3 # (async-only) how many times to retry a dispatch if it fails
  retryInterval: 1s # (async-only) first wait time before a retry, formula => 2^retryNumber * retryInterval
  numRoutines: 2 # (async-only) number of go routines that read from events channel and send batches
  kafkatopic: default-topic # default topic to send messages
    serverAddress: localhost:5000
    timeout: 500ms

Code example:

import (


func ConfigureEventsGateway() (*eventsgateway.Client, error) {
  config := viper.New() // empty Viper config
  config.Set("eventsgateway.client.async", true)
  config.Set("eventsgateway.client.kafkatopic", "my-client-default-topic")
  logger := logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"some": "field"})
  client, err := eventsgateway.NewClient("eventsgateway", config, logger, nil)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

func main() {
  client, err := ConfigureEventsGateway()
  if err != nil {
  // here you pass along the context.Context you received,
  // DON'T pass just a context.Background() if you have a previous context.Context
  // Sync clients should handle errors accordingly
  err := client.Send(context.Background(), "event-name", map[string]string{"some": "value"})
  // Async clients error handling are transparent to the user 
  client.Send(context.Background(), "event-name", map[string]string{"some": "value"})

Development README

Running locally

All dependencies required to produce and consume events locally are bundled in this project.

  1. make deps-start will start docker containers for zookeeper kafka and localstack.

These are the necessary dependencies for EventsGateway server.

  1. make run starts EventsGateway server.

  2. make producer executes a client that sends one dummy event.

  3. make spark-notebook runs a jupyter-notebook container with a mounted notebook to consume from Kafka and write ORC files to S3.

Checkout the localhost address to access the Web UI over the container logs.

  1. make hive-start starts hive stack containers necessary to create tables in hive-metastore and to query from a presto client.

Bootstraping Localstack bucket and prefixes

After make deps-start and before make gobblin you'll need to bootstrap localstack's s3 to transfer data from kafka.

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3 mb s3://eventsgateway-local

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket eventsgateway-local --acl public-read-write

aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3api put-object --bucket eventsgateway-local --key output/sv-uploads-default-topic/daily/

Note that default-topic should be replaced by the topic you're using in your client, that's the one used by make testclient.

Creating topic table in Hive metastore

Run it inside docker exec -it hive_hive-server_1 sh -c "/opt/hive/bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000".

To get the commands necessary to create database and table, run the respective cell at the end of eventsgateway-streaming-orc notebook.

After creation, you need to run msck repair table table_name; from hive server container to be able to query recent data.

Querying with Presto

Install presto client, on mac brew install presto.

presto --catalog hive --schema default

presto:default >> show tables;

presto:default >> select * from defaulttopic;