In process JMX metrics exporter. Inspired by the standalone version of jmxtrans but embedded inside your java process (e.g. Tomcat).
An in process JMX Exporter will solve the problem of remote JMX access in cloud-style and elastic environments where the IP address of the Java servers is unknown and where RMI-IIOP is disabled (e.g. Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Cloudbees, ...).
Getting started guide for Spring Framework enabled web applications.
Add embedded-jmxtrans
Declare <jmxtrans:jmxtrans>
in your Spring configuration :
<beans ...
Create src/main/resources/jmxtrans.json
, add your mbeans and declare both ConsoleWriter
(output to stdout
) and GraphiteWriter
"queries": [
"objectName": "cocktail:type=ShoppingCartController,name=ShoppingCartController",
"resultAlias": "",
"attributes": [
"name": "SalesRevenueInCentsCounter",
"resultAlias": "sales.revenueInCentsCounter"
"objectName": "com.cocktail:type=CocktailService,name=cocktailService",
"resultAlias": "cocktail.controller",
"attributes": ["SearchedCocktailCount", "DisplayedCocktailCount", "SendCocktailRecipeCount"]
"outputWriters": [
"@class": "org.jmxtrans.embedded.output.ConsoleWriter"
"@class": "org.jmxtrans.embedded.output.GraphiteWriter",
"settings": {
"host": "${}",
"port": "${graphite.port:2003}"
In this sample, Graphite host & port are defaulted to localhost:2003
and can be overwritten with system properties or environment variables, for example in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/
jvm.os.SystemLoadAverage 2.97265625 1358242428
tomcat.thread-pool.http-8080.currentThreadsBusy 0 1358242458
tomcat.manager.localhost._.activeSessions 0 1358242458
tomcat.servlet.__localhost_.jsp.processingTime 0 1358242458
tomcat.servlet.__localhost_.jsp.errorCount 0 1358242458
tomcat.servlet.__localhost_.jsp.requestCount 0 1358242458
cocktail.controller.SearchedCocktailCount 12 1358242458