

Thank you for participating in the GO Concurrency Bootcamp. Here, you'll find instructions for completing your capstone project and graduate.

The Challenge

The purpose of the challenge is for you to demonstrate your GO skills. This is your chance to show off everything you've learned during the course!!

You will build upon an existing Go project with many problems that concurrency can solve. You will solve those problems using two of the following concurrency patterns:

  • Generator
  • Fan in - Fan out
  • Pipeline


These are the main requirements we will evaluate:

  • Implement two of the three concurrency patterns proposed above (the three is a nice to have)
  • In case of any error, stop the whole concurrency process
  • Improve the processing time of the endpoints significantly

Getting Started

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this project
  2. Commit periodically
  3. Apply changes according to the reviewer's comments
  4. Have fun!

Important: You need to have installed on your box Go v1.16 or above and redis


You can submit the whole project at once and request feedback or you can split the challenge by applying the selected patterns for every stage and checking with your mentor. It's up to you.

The current state of the application and the problems

The application is an API that interacts with 'https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/'. This app has three main functions which are exposed in the following endpoints:

  1. (POST) /api/provide
  • Fills the local CSV with data from PokeAPI. It fetches the information for the pokemons with ID 1 to 10 by default.
  • You can specify the range of IDs of the pokemons to fetch like this:
 "from": 10,
 "to": 50
  • The problem with this process is every id takes ~2.5 seconds to process, so if we try to process 50 ids, it will take more than 2 minutes to process, and that time increases proportionally to the number of ids
  1. (PUT) /api/refresh-cache
  • Recovers the pokemon information from the CSV and for each pokemon it fetches and feeds it to the struct.
  • Saves the complete pokemon information in redis.
  • This endpoint has two problems:
    1. We need to read the whole csv, and then we need to hit the abilities endpoint, so this process can take a long time to finish (~19 seconds per 40 records)
    2. This process is not asynchronous, so we need to finish step by step every stage (read, fetch, feed, and save)
  1. (GET) /api/pokemons
  • Returns all the pokemons in cache (this is only for visualization).

Final Deliverable (due Monday, August 1st, 23:59PM)

Based on the self-study material and mentorship covered, we suggest you perform the following:

  1. Run the project, play with it and understand the problem with the API
  2. Implement the following patterns to solve the related problem:
  • Generator: This pattern can be used to handle multiple requests with potential parallelism. You can implement it in the /provide endpoint to hit the numerous endpoints asynchronously. (Goal: Process 100 ids in less than 3 seconds)
  • Fan in - Fan-out: These two patterns can be used together to handle multiple inputs (fan-in) and outputs (fan-out). You can implement these patterns in /refresh-cache to read the csv line by line and hit the abilities endpoint concurrently. (Goal: Process 40 records with three workers in less than 6 seconds)
  • Pipeline - To make the whole process asynchronous and write to the cache by batches while we are reading the csv file, we can implement the pipeline pattern to do the following steps: asynchronous: Read the csv - Feed the pokemons with abilities - Save into cache. (For this pattern is required to process the pokemons in batches instead all at once) (Goal: Write in cache in real-time by batches while the file is reading)
  1. Implement one pattern at a time, generate a pull request and ask for feedback from your mentor while you are developing the following pattern

In the end, you need to:

  • Solve two of the three problems presented on the API with concurrency patterns. Earn extra points if you solve all of the problems.
  • Present a comparison table of the time processes

Important: In case of any error, the whole process must stop (hint: channels) except by the pipeline pattern. In that case, we need to stop, but it's OK to have some batches processed.

Submitting the deliverables

For submitting your work, you should follow these steps:

  1. Create a pull request with your code, targeting the master branch of your fork.
  2. Fill out this form, including the PR’s URL
  3. Stay tuned for feedback, your mentor will provide feedback writting comments in your PR, if you need further information or have questions, please request a 1:1 session.
  4. Do the changes according to the reviewer's comments and feedback received


Self-Study Material

An Introdiction to Concurrency

Modeling Your Code: Communicating Sequential Processes

Go's Concurreny Building Blocks

Concurreny Patterns in Go

Modeling Your Code: Communicating Sequential Processes