
A fake ecommerce web app. Laravel 7.

Primary LanguagePHP

Fake eCommerce

This is a Laravel based full stack fake ecommerce app.

Hosted at: http://fake-ecommerce.freddyduarte.com


  1. vagrant up
  2. copy the .env-example to .env
  3. composer install
  4. npm install && npm run dev (3 and 4 might be part of the provisioning process)
  5. Configure local hosts: fake-ecommerce.test
  6. php artisan migrate
  7. php artisan db:seed


A. Setup

As a starting point you should import the data into some format that allows you to interact with it from a web framework you may use any storage system you see fit. (eg. database, etc)

This was done using migrations and seeders.

B. Authentication

There are 50 user accounts it should be possible to login with any one of them using the email and plain text password In order to allow for reduced scoping you can alternatively implement a basic login that does not verify password but instead simply creates a session based on the entered email address.

C. Products

  1. Provide a list of products tied to the user account name, style, brand, (optionally) available sku's
  2. (optionally) Allow the user to create a new product, edit an existing product or delete a product Then one of the following areas of functionality:

D. Inventory Display and interaction

  1. List all inventory records for the authenticated user and allow for navigation within the set Display the Product Name, sku, quantity, color, size, price and cost
  2. Show the total count of inventory items in the system for the user 3. Allowtheusertofilterthelistforaspecificproductidorsku

Optionally: Allow the user to filter based on items with inventory below a threshold

E. Order Display and Interaction

  1. List all orders in the system for products on the logged in user account and allow for navigation within the set

Display the Order - customer name, email address, product name, color, size, order_status, order total, transaction id, shipper (if applicable), tracking number (if applicable) 2. Show a total of sales for all orders 3. Show a the avg sale total across all orders


  • Allow the user to filter orders based on product or sku
  • Optionally show the filtered totals for the filtered order set
  • Show a breakdown of the number of orders in different states based on order_status


You may translate the CSV data into other formats if you wish, you are also free to modify the schema as long as it doesn't alter the nature of the task at hand. You are free to use whatever Libraries or Frameworks you find useful. It's OK if you do not have time to build all features, but be prepared to walk us through your thoughts and strategy. Performance issues should be a concern to you


The user data includes both password plaintext and password hash so that you can verify that your password hashing works or feel free to generate new hashes for the passwords. The hashes present were generated using the golang bcrypt library an example of plaintext/hash:

Password: testing Hash: $2a$10$.IM7LoxN3zNdzlicXhCpkuct2S2xuuMhuKtWRk0Wgr1zelSG1F/G6



  • id int
  • name string
  • email string
  • password_hash string
  • password_plain string
  • superadmin boolean
  • shop_name string
  • remember_token varchar(100)
  • created_at timestamp
  • updated_at timestamp
  • card_brand string
  • card_last_four string
  • trial_ends_at timestamp
  • shop_domain string
  • is_enabled boolean
  • billing_plan string
  • trial_starts_at timestamp



  • id int
  • product_name string
  • description text
  • style text
  • brand text
  • created_at timestamp
  • updated_at timestamp
  • url string
  • product_type string
  • shipping_price int
  • note text
  • admin_id int



  • id int
  • product_id int quantity int
  • color text
  • size text
  • weight double
  • price_cents int
  • sale_price_cents
  • int cost_cents int
  • sku string
  • length double
  • width double
  • height double
  • note text


Orders represent an order in the system linked to a product along with


  • id int
  • product_id int
  • street_address text
  • apartment text
  • city text
  • state text
  • country_code string
  • zip text
  • phone_number string
  • email text
  • name string
  • order_status string
  • payment_ref text
  • transaction_id string
  • payment_amt_cents int
  • ship_charged_cents int
  • ship_cost_cents int
  • subtotal_cents int
  • total_cents int
  • shipper_name text
  • payment_date timestamp
  • shipped_date timestamp
  • tracking_number text
  • tax_total_cents int
  • created_at timestamp
  • updated_at timestamp