
Music Collection Bash Application

Primary LanguageShell

Music Collection Bash Application


This app is a simple command-line interface used to add, search, and update a music record collection. The program was written for UNIX using the BASH scripting language.


The program was developed on Apple Mac OS X using GNU bash, version 3.2.48.

If necessary, change the permissions on the script.

$ chmod u+x music

Running the program

To start the program, type "music" at the command prompt.

$ ./music

The program displays its own prompt, which looks like:


This readme file includes some simple output examples of the commands. The output is marked with the word "Example:" followed by a series of dashes. The example output is between the dashes. These examples will show you how to use the program.

You can view some simple instructions on using the program by type help from the music> prompt.

Use the help command to see the possible commands.

Example: help

music> help
Command Help
  Use the following commands:

    Add a new record to the system.

  delete record (Record ID)
    Delete artist record by using the Record ID.
    Example: delete record 100

  update record (Record ID)
    Update artist record by using the Record ID.
    Example: update record 100

  update track (Record ID) (Track Number)
    Update track using the Record ID and track number.
    Example: update track 101 3

    Display the number of records in system.

    Display help on using program.

  list [Record ID]
    List all or one of the record entries.
    You can show specific record details by
    using the optional Record ID argument.

  search id     (keyword)
  search artist (keyword)
  search record (keyword)
  search genre  (keyword)
    Search by category and keyword.
    Example: search genre Punk

    Quit the program.

The program provides a few ways to view data in the system. One way is to use the list command to view the details for all of the records or for a specific record ID.

Example: list

music> list

101: Richard & Linda Thompson   Shoot out the Lights   Folk Rock
        1. Don't Renege on Our Love
        2. Walking on a Wire
        3. Man in Need
        4. Just the Motion
        5. Shoot Out the Lights
        6. Back Street Slide
        7. Did She Jump or Was She Pushed?
        8. Wall of Death
104: Miles Davis   Kind of Blue   Jazz
        1. So What
        2. Fredie Freeloader
        3. Blue in Green
        4. All Blues
        5. Flamenco Sketches

music> list 104
104: Miles Davis   Kind of Blue   Jazz
        1. So What
        2. Fredie Freeloader
        3. Blue in Green
        4. All Blues
        5. Flamenco Sketches

Use the add command to add a record and its tracks to the system.

Example: add

music> add
Enter Artist Name :  AC/DC
Enter record title: Let There Be Rock
Enter record genre: Hard Rock
Enter track information (hit CR when done).
Track 1 ==> Go Down
Track 2 ==> Dog Eat Dog
Track 3 ==> Let There Be Rock
Track 4 ==> Bad Boy Boogie
Track 5 ==> Problem Child
Track 6 ==>
You entered 5 tracks.

Use the delete command to remove a record. You need to specify the delete-type (record) and the record ID in able to remove the entry.

Example: delete record (Record ID)

music> delete record 115

The program provides an update command to change the record and the track information. You need to specify which type of update you want to use. The two types of update are record and track. To update a record, you need to further specify the record ID. To update a track, you need to specify the record ID and track #. The record update replaces all of the values for a record. Then track update changes a single track.

Use the help command to see the usage pattern.

Example: update for specified track

music> update track 104 5
updating record 104, track 5.
Current track value:
        5. Flamengo Sketches
Enter new track 5 value ==> Flamenco Sketches
You entered: Flamenco Sketches

Use the count command to see a simple record count.

Example: count

music> count
Record Count: 3
Artist Count: 3

Searching The program provides a way to search parts of the record data. You need to specify which type of search you would like, along with the keyword(s). The search is case-sensitive.

The following are the types of possible searching: search id (keyword) search artist (keyword) search record (keyword) search genre (keyword)

Example: search by artist and then by genre

music> search artist Miles
104: Miles Davis   Kind of Blue   Jazz 
music> search genre Folk
101: Richard & Linda Thompson   Shoot out the Lights   Folk Rock
112: Fairport Convention   Unhalfbricking   Folk-Rock

Known Issues:

  • Up arrow to get command history still does not work.
  • Music data files need to have UNIX style End Of Line markers. Files with CR/LF (i.e., Windows) will not read properly.