
Midleware Camel Development exercises.

Primary LanguageJava


Midleware Camel Development exercises.

Elementos de estudio

Los candidatos al Red Hat Certified Specialist in Camel Development deberán ser capaces de realizar las siguientes tareas:

Create and maintain Camel routes

  • Use the Java™ language
  • Use the CamelContext XML

Exchange messages

  • Body
  • In/out
  • Headers
  • Attachments

Consume and produce files

  • CSV format
  • XML format

Work with databases and the Camel JPA component

Understand transactional routes

  • Use EIPs
  • Content-based routing
  • Wire Tap
  • Splitter
  • Aggregator
  • RecipientList

Use Camel components

  • File2
  • FTP
  • JPA2
  • JMS
  • Direct

Use Camel Test

  • Mock endpoints
  • JUnit 4 integration and CamelTest APIs

Dynamically route messages

  • Use conditional routes
  • Use data-driven routes
  • Handle exceptions

Catch and handle exceptions

  • Use the dead-letter queue