
The combined magic of autojump, ranger and zsh

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ranger & Autojump

This plugin for ranger adds complete support for autojump to ranger: Whenever a new directory is opened in ranger, autojump is notified and can change the weights accordingly. Using :j you can use autojump to jump to a directory. This is made even better by adding map cj console j%space to your rc.conf. Thus typing cj dirname will let you jump to dirname.

As an added bonus, there is a zsh plugin introducing a new function called r. Without arguments, it just opens ranger. If you supply an argument that is a directory, ranger is opened in that directory. But if you supply anything else as an argument, autojump is called with the argument and ranger is opened there 🧙

If you want similar functionality for zoxide, you can try ranger-zoxide.

Maintenance Mode

As autojump seems to be unmaintained and there's not really any features missing, this repo exists as-is. I will still look at PRs and issues, but don't expect too much.

If you want similar functionality for zoxide, you can try ranger-zoxide.


Ranger plugin

  • Copy autojump.py to ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/ranger/plugins.
  • Add the following mapping to your rc.conf for convenience:
     map cj console j%space

vim plugin (optional extra)

  • To use autojump with vim, the autojump.vim plugin can be installed. This can also be integrated with ZSH as shown below.

zsh plugin

  • Install the zsh plugin using your favorite plugin manager, e.g.:
    • zgenom:
      • zgenom load fdw/ranger_autojump
    • antigen:
      • antigen bundle fdw/ranger_autojump@main
    • oh-my-zsh:
      1. Clone this repository into oh-my-zsh's plugin directory:
        git clone https://github.com/fdw/ranger-autojump ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/ranger-autojump
      2. Activate the plugin in ~/.zshrc:
        plugins=( [plugins...] ranger-autojump)
  • (Optional) For vim integration add the following convenience function to your .zshrc:
function jvim { file="$(AUTOJUMP_DATA_DIR=~/.autojump.vim/global autojump $@)"; if [ -n "$file" ]; then vim "$file"; fi }