
ruby gem for iap / iab server receipt validation

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



Ruby gem for Iap(apple In-App Pruchase) and Iab(google In-App Billing) server validation

Latest Version



gem install pabi

or include in Gemfile

gem 'pabi'



Iap server-side receipt validation need a receipt

Sample Code

require "pabi"

# initial a new client for validation(SANDBOX / PRODUCT)
client = Pabi::client.new(:IAP, Pabi::Driver::SANDBOX)

# validate a receipt string
result = client.validate("receipt_string")

if result.succeed?
  receipt = result.receipt
  # do something with receipt
  error = result.error
  # do something with error

Receipt before iOS7.0

method type description
quantity number The number of items purchased. This value corresponds to the quantity property of the SKPayment object stored in the transaction’s payment property.
product_id string The product identifier of the item that was purchased. This value corresponds to the productIdentifier property of the SKPayment object stored in the transaction’s payment property.
transaction_id string The transaction identifier of the item that was purchased. This value corresponds to the transaction’s transactionII dentifier property.
purchase_date DateTime The date and time this transaction occurred. This value corresponds to the transaction’s transactionDate property.
app_item_it string A string that the App Store uses to uniquely identify the application that created the payment transaction. If your server supports multiple applications, you can use this value to differentiate between them. Applications that are executing in the sandbox do not yet have an app-item-id assigned to them, so this key is missing from receipts created by the sandbox.
version_external_identifier string An arbitrary number that uniquely identifies a revision of your application. This key is missing in receipts created by the sandbox.
bid string The bundle identifier for the application.
bvrs string A version number for the application.
original Object For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, this is the original receipt
expires_at DateTime For auto-renewable subscriptions, returns the date the subscription will expire

Receipt after iOS7.0

see here

method type description
bundle_id string The app's bundle identifier.
application_version string The app's version number.(In the sandbox environment, the value of this field is always "1.0".)
original_application_version string The version of the app that was originally purchased.
expiration_date DateTime The date that the app receipt expires.
in_app array(SubReceipt) The receipt for an in-app purchase. (see below)

In-app purchase object

method type description
product_id string The product identifier of the item that was purchased.
quantity number The number of items purchased.
transaction_id string The transaction identifier of the item that was purchased.
original_transaction_id string For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the transaction identifier of the original transaction. Otherwise, identical to the transaction identifier.
purchase_date DateTime The date and time that the item was purchased.
original_purchase_date DateTime For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the date of the original transaction.
expires_date DateTime The expiration date for the subscription, expressed as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
cancellation_date DateTime For a transaction that was canceled by Apple customer support, the time and date of the cancellation.
app_item_id string A string that the App Store uses to uniquely identify the application that created the transaction.
version_external_identifier string An arbitrary number that uniquely identifies a revision of your application. (This key is not present for receipts created in the test environment.)
web_order_line_item_id string The primary key for identifying subscription purchases.


Iab server receipt validation needs a receipt data, android package name and a token.

Only purchase made by In-app Billing v3 can be retrivaled.

see here and also here

Sample Code

require "pabi"

# initial a new client for validation(SANDBOX / PRODUCT)
# initial client also need a android package name
# initial client also need api key
client = Pabi::client.new(:IAB, Pabi::Driver::SANDBOX, "package_name", "api_key")

# validate a receipt string
# validate a receipt also nedd a product id
result = client.validate("receipt_string", "product_id")

if result.succeed?
  receipt = result.receipt
  # do something with receipt
  error = result.error
  # do something with error

Iab Receipt

method type description
consumptionState integer The consumption state of the inapp product. Possible values are - 0: Yet to be consumed, 1: Consumed
developerPayload string A developer-specified string that contains supplemental information about an order.
kind string This kind represents an inappPurchase object in the androidpublisher service.
purchaseState number The purchase state of the order. Possible values are - 0: Purchased, 1: Cancelled
purchaseTime number The time the product was purchased, in milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970).