
FTP-AnonHunter is a Python tool designed to automate the discovery of anonymous open FTP servers. Using Nmap’s ftp-anon script, the tool scans a list of IP addresses for open FTP ports (port 21) and identifies servers that allow anonymous logins. The results are logged into an output file for easy tracking and follow-up.

Primary LanguagePython


FTP-AnonHunter is a Python tool designed to scan IP addresses for anonymous FTP logins. It utilizes Nmap’s ftp-anon script to check if an FTP server allows anonymous login on port 21 and logs the results to an output file.



  • Scans IP addresses for anonymous FTP access on port 21.
  • Logs the results of the scan to a specified output file.
  • Color-coded output in the terminal for easy result interpretation.


  • Python 3.x
  • Nmap
  • termcolor module (for color-coded output)

To install the required dependencies, run:

pip install termcolor


  • Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/FTP-AnonHunter.git
  • Navigate to the cloned repository directory:
cd FTP-AnonHunter
  • Ensure you have Nmap installed on your system:
sudo apt-get install nmap  # For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems


  • Prepare a text file containing the list of IP addresses you want to scan, with each IP on a new line. Check the file test.txt.
  • Run the scanner with the following command:
python FTP-AnonHunter.py -i <input_file> [-o <output_file>]

--i, --input_file: Path to the file containing the list of IPs (required).

  • -o, --output_file: Path to the output file (optional, default: anon_ftp_ips.txt).


  • To scan a list of IP addresses in a file named ip_list.txt and save the results to results.txt:
python FTP-AnonHunter.py -i ip_list.txt -o results.txt


The script prints the results to the terminal with color-coded messages:

  • Green: Anonymous FTP login is allowed.
  • Red: No anonymous FTP login.