A simple resume generator using Base16, Pandoc and Jinja. Includes reset.css released as Public Domain.
- Python
- GitPython
- Jinja
- Pandoc to render Markdown templates from content directory
- Chromium to render PDF
- tidy to verify created HTML
# render HTML and PDF using Base16 Monokai theme
./build.py -s monokai
# render using random Base16 theme
./build.py -r
# list available Base16 themes
./build.py -l
# create required directories
# .
# ├── base16
# ├── content
# └── output
mkdir base16/ output/ content/
# place required content files
# content/
# ├── content.md
# ├── header.md
# ├── header.yaml
# └── sidebar.md
# start the container and
# render HTML and PDF using Base16 Monokai theme
docker run \
--rm \
--name opr \
--volume $(pwd)/content:/opr/content \
--volume $(pwd)/output/:/opr/output \
--volume $(pwd)/base16:/opr/base16 \
freddix/opr:latest -s monokai