
The code repository for the blogpost at https://fe.ax/packer-golden-image

Primary LanguageHCL


Run this Terraform config to configure the IAM role for packer. This will create a file named packer.pkrvar.hcl in the packer/ directory.

The files have explainations inside them.

Usage the Terraform config

The Terraform module uses your ~/.aws/credentials file to connect to AWS.

# Using default AWS profile 'default'
cd terraform
terraform apply


# Using a different AWS profile
cd terraform
terraform apply -var 'aws_profile=other-profile-than-default'

Using the Packer config

cd packer

# To test your build without creating the AMI
packer build -var-file=packer.pkrvar.hcl aws-k3s.pkr.hcl

# To create the AMI
packer build -var 'skip_create_ami=false' -var-file=packer.pkrvar.hcl aws-k3s.pkr.hcl