
在命令行批量重命名文件,使用 javascript 的正则来匹配和替换文件名

Primary LanguageJavaScript


rename files/directories in the command line, use the javascript RegExp rules to rename files.
在命令行批量重命名文件、目录,使用 javascript 的正则来匹配和替换文件名


$ npm install rename-js -g


directory public has some files:

  1. index.js
  2. index.css
  3. index.html

, and i want to rename all files with index prefix to another name, then:

$ cd /path/to/public
$ rename 'index\.(\w+)$' 'anotherName.$1'

the real script is:

var newName = originName.replace(new RegExp('index\.(\w+)$'), 'anotherName.$1')

then got:

  1. anotherName.js
  2. anotherName.css
  3. anotherName.html

Advanced Usage

directory public has some files:

  1. 4.jpg
  2. 10.jpg
  3. 99.jpg
  4. folder/45.jpg

, and i want to rename all files to three-digits name, like 099.jpg, then write a script named processor.js:


function pad(num, len, _char){
	if(len <= num.length) return num
	return (new Array((len - num.length) + 1)).join(_char) + num
// type: 'file'|'directory'|'blockDevice'|'symbolicLink'|'characterDevice'|'FIFO'|'socket'
// see `https://github.com/coolaj86/node-walk` for more info.
module.exports = function(filename, type){
    // if(type == 'file') xxx
    // filename: folder/45.jpg
    var m = filename.match(/^(folder\/)?(\d+)(\.jpg)$/)
        return (m[1] || '') + pad(m[2], 3, '0') + m[3]
    // return the same string or undefined will not rename the file
    return filename

then run commands:

$ cd /path/to/public
$ rename -f ./processor

last got:

  1. 004.jpg
  2. 010.jpg
  3. 099.jpg
  4. folder/045.jpg