
Recurring task tracker

Primary LanguagePython

Habitbot is a recurring task manager that tries to help you establish habits by letting you set goals and track the length of your streaks.

Also known as the Jerry Seinfeld "don't break the chain" motivational technique.



You will need the following in order to continue with the installation:

  • Python2.7
  • pip
  • virtualenv

Perform the standard practice for installing prerequisites when a requirements.txt file is provided:

$ virtualenv env
$ . env/bin/activate
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt


To signify your machine as a development machine (as opposed to a production machine), place the following in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile (which ever you have set to load on a new shell session)


Make sure to $ source ~/.bashrc or $ source ~/.bash_profile so the DEVELOPMENT environment variable will exist in your current session.

We now need to configure the settings of the Django project.

  1. Copy habitbot/settings_secret.py.template to habitbot/settings_secret.py. Fill in the ADMINS and DATABASES variables with your preferences.

  2. To obtain a Twitter key pair (used by TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY and TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET), visit https://dev.twitter.com/apps. Create a new application, and be sure to use as the Website and Callback URL.

  3. To generate a SECRET_KEY, open a python shell and use the output of

     import os
     import base64
  4. If you have signified your machine as a development machine, edit the habitbot/settings_dev.py file. Adjust the DB_PATH and DATABASES variables to fit your preferences.

You should now be able to run the following from the project root

$ python manage.py syncdb # say no to creating the superuser
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
$ python manage.py runserver

And we're done!

Troubleshooting the installation

  • If static assets are not showing up, ensure you are actually running in the development environment. You should see following upon running the app:

      $ python manage.py runserver
      Running with development settings # Indicates dev environment
      Running with development settings
      Validating models...
      0 errors found
      Django version 1.4.3, using settings 'habitbot.settings'
      Development server is running at
      Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
  • If the application throws a 500 error but all you see is "A server error has occurred. Please contact the administrator", then the application is not running in development mode. Ensure the DEVELOPMENT environment is set:

      $ echo $DEVELOPMENT
  • If you receive a 401 error upon clicking the green sign in button, check for the following:

    • Proper Website and Callback URL of
    • Make sure you did not accidentally swap the consumer key/consumer secret.
  • If you receieve the error

      sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file

    make sure you have your DB_PATH set correctly in the dev and secret configuration files.