
Example project to demonstrate how easy it is to map objects with ModelMapper and Lombok.

Primary LanguageJava

ModelMapper example

Example project to demonstrate how easy it is to map objects with ModelMapper and Lombok.


Lombok requires to install a Lombok IDE plugin to compile the code (to enable on-the-fly code generation). You can also compile it with Maven: mvn compile (doesn't require any additional plugin)

Console output

# Original user
User(id=1, firstName=Jasper, lastName=Huzen, bankAccount=BankAccount(bank=Bank(name=Rabobank), accountNumber=1209661234, accountType=TYPE2))
>>> Original user converted to TO object
UserDTO(id=1, firstName=Jasper, bankAccountNumber=1209661234, bankAccountType=TYPE2, bankName=Rabobank, fullName=Jasper Huzen)
<<< TO object converted back to User object
User(id=1, firstName=Jasper, lastName=null, bankAccount=BankAccount(bank=null, accountNumber=1209661234, accountType=TYPE2))