
Example project with Spring, Lombok and AspectJ

Primary LanguageJava

Example project with Spring, Lombok and AspectJ


This project is a test project and for educational purpose.

Run appplication

To run the application you should use the following command:

mvn clean process-classes exec:java
  • Maven and Java 8 are required on the environment

Output of the application

edu.feaster83.springexamples.ZooApp  | Starting ZooApp application
edu.feaster83.springexamples.building.aspect.ValidateAnimalTypeAspect  | Add Dog to CatCage is NOT allowed
edu.feaster83.springexamples.building.aspect.ValidateAnimalTypeAspect  | Add multiple items to CatCage
edu.feaster83.springexamples.building.aspect.ValidateAnimalTypeAspect  | - Add Dog is NOT allowed
edu.feaster83.springexamples.building.aspect.ValidateAnimalTypeAspect  | - Add Cat is allowed
edu.feaster83.springexamples.building.aspect.ValidateAnimalTypeAspect  | Add Dog to DogCage is allowed
edu.feaster83.springexamples.building.aspect.ValidateAnimalTypeAspect  | Add multiple items to DogCage
edu.feaster83.springexamples.building.aspect.ValidateAnimalTypeAspect  | - Add Dog is allowed
edu.feaster83.springexamples.building.aspect.ValidateAnimalTypeAspect  | - Add Cat is NOT allowed