very crude implementation for mysql clusters on a vagrant system Works for lucid32 vagrantbox. vagrant up should bring all servers online: 1 management server, 2 data nodes, 2 APIs. virtual machine IP addresses: Management: data node 1: data node 2: API node 1: API node 2: Note: -Data nodes may get kicked off the server if the load from the 5 VMs are too much (missed heartbeat). To check connected nodes, log into the management server cd /usr/local/mysql-cluster bin/ndb_mgm --ndb-connectstring= show To reconnect a data node: sudo /usr/local/mysql-cluster/bin/ndbd --ndb-connectstring= -MYSQL API nodes currently may not be accessed from outside local vm. To enable SSH from anywhere: log into mysql from API nodes and update root privileges: /usr/local/mysql-cluster/bin/mysql -u root update mysql.user set host='%' where user='root' and host='localhost';flush privileges; -This build contains mysql-cluster v 7.2.5. Included in repo so as to avoid slow wget 5 times each up.