Synchronize service events between Feathers application instances
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Feathers sync does not respect the built-in reconnection strategy in node-redis
#194 opened by tobiasheldring - 12
Converting circular structure to JSON
#195 opened by palmtown - 1
Crash | TypeError: service._emit is not a function
#198 opened by palmtown - 3
Determine if event is a synced event
#193 opened by palmtown - 0
Error when passing redisClient and not uri
#197 opened by palmtown - 4
Reported app.channel(channel).connections incorrect with multiple instances of feathers-sync
#183 opened by DelfsEngineering - 3
sync drops messages when using ioredis client
#190 opened by jamesholcomb - 1
describe.only causing tests to be skipped
#188 opened by jamesholcomb - 4
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On V5 Dove, service details missing in calls
#184 opened by MarcGodard - 3
bson - cyclic dependency detected
#168 opened by ranhsd - 2
Feathers-sync Redis Adapter with an existing Redis Sentinel client and Feathers-Socket.io
#182 opened by zecarlos94 - 2
High RAM usage when large files are uploaded
#181 opened by green3g - 3
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Update nats major version
#163 opened by daffl - 6
[Feature Request] Add retry mechanism
#143 opened by defiboy - 1
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Needs update for Feathers v5
#166 opened by barankyle - 5
Issue with Google oAuth
#164 opened by ericuldall - 9
Converting circular structure to JSON
#140 opened by apmcodes - 0
Infinite Loop with Alias Services
#153 opened by mrfrase3 - 1
Add adapter for MongoDB
#136 opened by daffl - 2
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custom adapters app.sync.serialize is not a function
#137 opened by dottodot - 2
TypeError: app.service(...).publish is not a function
#131 opened by averri - 10
Setting Provider for calls from feathers sync
#104 opened by RickEyre - 4
mubsub nested dependency security issue
#134 opened by HKDataGeek - 2
Multiple notifications while using amqp
#120 opened by gauravbhusare - 0
getting error collection.find(...).sort(...).limit(...).nextObject is not a function
#110 opened by adambezecny - 0
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Async MongoClient.connect and app mixins
#125 opened by PowerMogli - 2
Syncing events with Date value
#128 opened by deskoh - 0
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Using channels with feathers-sync
#132 opened by averri - 1
Unable to use feathers-sync with sentinel setup
#126 opened by anveshr1 - 1
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feathers-sync couldnt understand mongodb+srv
#112 opened by msudgh - 1
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receive events in an app from another app
#105 opened by apmcodes - 1
mubsub dependency is using too old mongodb driver
#109 opened by PowerMogli - 7
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