lang PV_DB Translation Generation Tool


  1. Python 3.8+
  2. PV_DB with lyric_en and lyric_new fields. Easiest to combine new lyrics with Notepad++ and then use Edit > Line Operations > Sort Lines Lexicographically Ascending
  3. pyo3 branch of -> Used as a library for this project



  • Place your edited pv_db.txt in this folder. When running the script, select this PV DB in the tool.
  • The tool will ask for a name for your new lang translation array.
  • Wait for a little bit. The script should output everything into the toml once done.
  • The tool does not handle special characters that must be escaped very well. It has basic handling. Take your toml and then lint it with addons inside Visual Studio Code.
  • Afterwards, you must open your toml and add enabled = true to the top. I might fix this soon.

Development Info

No license. Do whatever you want, and I'm always open to additions or commmits to fix my terrible code.