
Drupal 7/Behat/Travis CI demo for BAD Camp 2014

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Drupal 7/Behat/Travis CI demo for BAD Camp 2014

Code Status (master branch):


The Drupal 7 Behat Travis CI Demo shows how to use Behat and Travis to set up a system to continuously run BDD tests on incremental changes to a base Drupal 7 core system. This can be extended to work with an existing Drupal site. With the addition of more tests that are tailored to the site, this could be used to test newly deployed code, minor updates of Drupal Core and Contrib modules, and so on.


This repository comes with nearly everything that you need to get started. You will need to have a database pre-installed.

For a quick start, to install locally to see if the tests work right, consider using sqlite. The install_drupal_sqlite.sh script will set up your system using sqlite; requires sqlite to be pre-installed.

When setting up to run on Travis, use the install_drupal_mysql.sh script. This script assumes that mysql is pre-installed, and has a user 'root' with no password. Travis comes pre-configured like this, so you should be able to just run the script and go.

Note that Selinium is not used or installed by this project. You might want to install it later if you want to do any JavaScript testing; however, you will still be able to use "click on this button" style tests using the Goutte tool, which is installed.


You can run tests locally if you'd like to see if if the Behat tests are working.

  1. Install sqlite if you have not already done so.

  2. Optional - if you plan on making your own tests, fork the repository.

  3. Clone the repository

  4. If you do not have composer installed globally: curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

  5. ./composer install

  6. ./bin/install_drupal_sqlite.sh

  7. Confirm that it worked: ./bin/behat -di

  8. In a separate shell: cd html && drush runserver --server=builtin 8080 --strict=0

  9. Run some tests! ./bin/behat


Set up your project on Travis, so that it will test every commit.

  1. If you have not already forked the repository, do so now.

  2. Go to https://travis-ci.org/ in a web browser

  3. Click on "Sign in with Github". Give Travis All The Permissions.

  4. Next to the "My Repositories" tab, click on the "+" to add a repository.

  5. If you do not see your repository, click the "Sync now" button.

  6. Find the fork of badcamp2014-behat-travisci you made, and switch it "On".

  7. Travis will automatically run all tests the next time a commit is pushed.