
rShellZ s a linux reverse-shell & exploitation assistance framework. With lots of payload and post exploitation modules.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


rShellZ is a linux exploitation assistance framework made for Pentesters and Hacking Learners

It is Mainly aimed for educational purposes , learn Pentesting

It could be more helpful in CTF challenges


1. Download and extract rShellz
2. Go to the directory
3. Open Terminal
4. $ chmod +X *
5. $ ./installer
6. $ ./rShellz.py   or python3 rShellz.py
7. Linuxploit console will open up
8. Type   help  to get all available commands and module info

Available Commands:

help                                           ----------> shows help message
use <module name | module s.no>                ----------> to use the module
banner                                         ----------> to change banner of linuxploit
bannerq / clear                                ----------> to clear the console
os:<command>                                   ----------> to execute an os command
exec:<command>                                 ----------> to execute an os command
exec <command>                                 ----------> to execute an os command
os <command>                                   ----------> to execute an os command
quit / exit                                    ----------> to exit from the console
whoami / current_user                          ----------> returns Current user
sysinfo / systeminfo /machine_info             ----------> returns Info about the Local Machine

Available Modules:

[*] Auxiliary:

0)                    auxiliary-enum_ssh_info                  Enumerates Information about SSH 
1)                    auxiliary-port_scan                      Scans all the ports and detects the service
2)                    auxiliary-http_banner_grab               grabs HTTP server banner  

[*] Payloads:

3)     payload-binary_shell_reverse_tcp    linux reverse tcp shell binary
4)     payload-bash_reverse_tcp            Bash reverse tcp shell payload
5)     payload-perl_reverse_tcp            perl reverse tcp shell payload
6)     payload-python_reverse_tcp          php reverse tcp shell payload
7)     payload-php_reverse_tcp             python reverse tcp shell payload
8)     payload-ruby_reverse_tcp            ruby reverse tcp shell payload
9)     payload-socat_reverse_tcp           socat reverse tcp shell payload
10)    payload-netcat_reverse_tcp          netcat reverse tcp shell payload
11)    payload-lua_reverse_tcp             lua reverse tcp shell payload
12)    payload-curl_reverse_tcp            spawns a Reverse tcp shell using curl
13)    payload-telnet_reverse_tcp          spawns a reserse tcp shell using telnet


99)       tcp_handler                          Handles all the reverse connections

[*] Post Exploitation, Privilege Escalation & Enumeration :

14)         post/LinEnum                             Enumerates the informations about local machine
15)         post/linpeas                             Enumerates the informations of local machine
16)         post/pspy                                Enumerates the live background processes in the local machine without root privileges
17)         post/unix-privesc-check                  Unix/Linux privilege escalation checker
18)         post/linux-exploit-suggester             Linux local exploit suggester
19)         post/logrotten                           Exploits logrotate process
20)         post/spawn_shell                         Gives commands to spawn stable tty command-shell
21)         post/nc_portfwd_pivot                    netcat portforwarding for pivoting
22)         post/ssh_local_portfwd                   ssh local portforward for pivoting
23)         post/ssh_remote_portfwd                  ssh remote portforward for pivoting 
24)         post/mimipenguin                         extracts Clear text Password of current user from memory(root)
25)         post/gather_wifi_creds                   gets wireless credentials saved in the local machine(root)
26)         post/linuxprivchecker                    python script to check privesc vulnerabilities
27)         post/crack_shadow_hash                   cracks hashes which are retrieved from /etc/shadow
28)         post/crack_grub2_pbkdf2                  cracks hashes generated by GRUB2(grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2)
29)         post/clear_track                         command to clear the tracks in victim machine


30)         openssl_reverse_tcp                      Reverse tcp encrypted shell with openssl
31)         ssl_listener                             handler for the openssl payload


29)         php_webshell                             Simple php webshell with password authentication
30)         php_webshell_gui                         A simple interactive webshell
31)         webshell_handler                         Handler for simple php webshell which connects and executes commands


35)         base64_encoder                  Encodes specified string with base64 encoding
36)         base32_encoder                  Encodes specified string with base32 encoding
37)         hex_encoder                     Encodes specified string in Hex
38)         url_encoder                     Encodes specified string in url encoding
39)         rot13_encoder                   Encodes specified string in rot13 algorithm 


Available Commands:

help gtfobins                     To see the list of gtfobins binaries 
gtfobins <binary name>             To see the binary and its usage/methods from gtfobins