
Xata Movie Database

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Xata and XMDB logo

Deploy with Vercel

Features ⚡️

Stack ⚙️

Package Reason
Zod Schema validation
Xata Client ORM
TailwindCSS Styles
vercel/OG OG image generation
React-Icons SVG Icons as React components

Environment Setup 🧱

To have your own local instance of this app, you will need 2 API keys, and your deployment URL.

  • XATA_API_TOKEN: to connect your own Xata workspace.
  • VERCEL_URL: popullated by Vercel, on your local environment it’s your local server url (https://localhost:3000 by default).

Once you have those keys, you can create a .env.local as shown in .env.template.

Link to Xata 🦋

You can run the xata init command with some default configuration:

pnpm xata:link

By the end you should have the XATA_API_TOKEN in your .env.local and a .xatarc file created.

Database Seed 🌱

Once you have a working link with the workspace, you can run:

pnpm xata:seed

This task will add 100 rows of mocked data to get you started with a working app.

Run Locally 🧑‍✈️

Once you project is linked and database has data, you can start the development server.

pnpm dev

By default, server will run on localhost:3000.

Xata's logo