
A CLI tool for scraping all the bus ridership data from www.mta.maryland.gov/performance-improvement and dumping it to a CSV file.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MTA Bus Ridership Scraper

This project provides a comprehensive Python pipeline to process and analyze MTA bus ridership data. The pipeline includes data loading, cleaning, transformation, and storage, along with an integration of Node.js for additional tasks.

This is a fork of James Pizzurro's MTA Bus Ridership Scraper that essentially acts as a python wrapper to run the scraper and process the data.

The scraper is a Node.js script that uses Puppeteer to automate the process of downloading the MTA bus ridership data. The scraper is run as part of the data pipeline, and the data is processed and saved to a CSV file.

This fork adds steps to clean the data, standardize the names of the bus routes, convert dates to a standard format, and calculate the average daily ridership for each route by month.


The raw data is found at www.mta.maryland.gov/performance-improvement

After scaping the data, the raw data is stored in the data/raw directory. The processed data is stored in the data/processed directory.

data/raw/mta_bus_ridership.csv is not committed to the repo, but looks like this:

Date Route Ridership
01/2023 103 3916
01/2023 105 3530
01/2023 115 4179
01/2023 120 3887
01/2023 150 1833

The processed data is stored in data/processed/mta_bus_ridership.csv and looks like this:

route date date_end ridership num_days_in_month ridership_per_day
103 2018-01-01 2018-01-31 8369.0 31 269.96774193548384
103 2018-02-01 2018-02-28 9338.0 28 333.5
103 2018-03-01 2018-03-31 8372.0 31 270.06451612903226
103 2018-04-01 2018-04-30 8970.0 30 299.0
103 2018-05-01 2018-05-31 9570.0 31 308.7096774193548


To set up the project, run the setup.sh script. This script will check for Conda and Node.js installations, create a Conda environment, install Python dependencies, and set up the necessary directories.



To run the pipeline, execute main.py. This script orchestrates the data transformation process, including data loading, processing, and saving the processed data to a CSV file.

python main.py

Main Components


  • Data Cleaning: Standardizes column names in the data.
  • Data Processing: Includes functions for route processing and date-related calculations.
  • Data Transformation: Applies data processing tasks to the dataset.
  • Data Saving: Outputs the processed data to a CSV file.
  • Node.js Integration: Runs a Node.js script as part of the data pipeline.


  • Sets up the Python environment.
  • Installs Python and Node.js dependencies.
  • Prepares the project directory structure.


  • Python 3.11
  • Pandas
  • Prefect (For running the pipeline)
  • Node.js (To run the browser automation script)

Project Structure

├── main.py - Main script for running the data pipeline.
├── setup.sh - Script for setting up the environment and dependencies.
├── data/
│   ├── raw/ - Directory for storing raw data files.
│   └── processed/ - Directory for storing processed data.
└── node/
    └── index.js - Node.js script for scraping the MTA bus ridership data.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


GNU General Public License v3.0


James Pizzurro - MTA Bus Ridership Scraper